Below you’ll find our recommended Immune Boosting Supplements as we head into the winter! To learn more about them, read the following excerpt from Dr. Mike Andreano’s latest newsletter:


“Most people do not eat much fish but we do need fish oil (omega 3’s). Most fish are toxic and not suitable for human consumption. Most fish oils “even the good ones are toxic and not suitable for human consumption.” So I do recommend Cod Liver Oil because it has an animal source of Vitamin A (real vitamin A), Vitamin D (real vitamin D) and quality Omega 3’s. My favorite is Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver/Butter Oil (I think Fermented Cod Liver is really cool). The butter oil is produced from cows that are grazing on new grass. This type of butter has real vitamins (K1,K2 etc.). This is certainly a real deal superfood. No other product compares. These nutrients are generally deficient in our diet and are on the top of my list for immune support. This oil comes in capsules but my favorite is the liquid version. Flavored with natural cinnamon, even my kids will take it (most of the time). The liquid not only has nearly the double the total servings compared to the capsules (making it the better buy), but it’s also better utilized when you can actually taste it.

Even though the cod liver oil has Vitamin D, I also recommend two to three thousand units of additional vitamin D every day… especially this time of year. Not all vitamin D’s are made the same, and of course some are even toxic. The majority of vitamin D supplements are made from oil that is irradiated. I’m not sure how they get away with marketing it as vitamin D but it’s synthetic and a poor copy. The best place to get your vitamin D is the sun, but we live inside and in Chicago. I recommend Premier Vitamin D3 Serum. It has a mild taste and can be mixed into food. It’s from a natural source and no solvents are used in the process so it is very clean. Most people test that they need 10-15 drops, twice per week.

My other favorite is Immuplex from Standard Process. It has zinc but also copper (zinc depletes copper and copper is uber important). It has all kinds of good stuff! You can think of it as a multivitamin for your immune system. 1-3 capsules per day is all most people need.

There are so many more products that I could recommend but it can be overwhelming and for most, unnecessary, so I’ll hold back. 

Well actually, I can’t hold back on one last product! A toxic environment is one of our biggest health challenges…I’ve learned that some type of binder is essential for our health in our current state. A binder is something that will grab on to toxins that enter your body, and helps to safely transport them out of your body. I have been working with binders for years but the best one by far is a fulvic/humic acid product, Carboxy. Carboxy is a great binder (as long as you are not constipated). It’s broad spectrum (it will work for all kinds of toxins) and will actually increase the electrical potential of every cell in your body, which is GOOD. ¼ to 1 full scoop is a good maintenance dose. (Don’t start with a full scoop and don’t start if you are constipated)”

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